who is this course for?
Dream Work is the art of being fully present in the everyday of our lives while embodying the inner knowing from the world of our dreams. Put into practice, we can use this connection with our dream landscapes and all of the helpers that appear there to facilitate our soul’s growth in our waking life.
This course is for anyone seeking meaningful ways of understanding how the landscapes of dreamtime and all who inhabit this liminal field are sources of potency, of life actualized.. For those who bring heart awareness, presence and willingness to explore the blessedness of dreaming as restorative healing in connection with the wider field of relations, seen and unseen.
This course is also for anyone who is seeking and wanting to participate in a community of dream weavers, alchemist and midwifes of the soul through deeply embodied dreamwork. For those who seek to know, both intimately and through witnessing, the benefits of understanding the soul’s journey in non-ordinary reality as we sleep and wishing to embody those experiences in waking life.
Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.
~ Anais Nin
We have been dreaming since the dawn of mankind, and as dreaming is a universal experience with a very long history, just about every culture since this time has held dreams in fascination, understanding that dreams have particular relevance to waking life. In animist cultures dreams were told upon waking to family and tribal members as often there was a gifted dreamer who held dreams for others and the community in which crops were planted in more favorable conditions, dangerous storms were forewarned, and ill fortune and sickness was prevented. The landscapes, the elements, the forces of nature, and all of her inhabitants were honored as oracles for the dreamer’s waking life.
“That which the dream shows is the shadow of such wisdom as exists in man, even if during his waking state he may know nothing about it…. We do not know it because we are fooling away our time with outward and perishing things, and are asleep in regard to that which is real within ourselves.”
The course entails several techniques to assist you with dream recall where you will develop tools for dream journaling and explore dream re-entry through drop in, meditative, trance states and where you will gain insight into how spirits of place, the natural world, your ancestors and other helping spirits are assisting you towards your soul’s unique purpose.
What We Will Do
The sweet liminal place between waking and dreaming is a land rich with your personal metaphors waiting to be witnessed, alchemised and birthed into being. In this way we become the dream midwife, the alchemist of our dreams. In our time together you will enjoy the safe container co-created by our focused intention to:
- Create ritual space in which you may explore the many realms of your waking and sleeping states
- Explore several approaches laying the foundation of your dreaming and journeying practices from an experiential space as opposed to an interpretive space.
- Develop techniques to assist you with dream recall, through journaling and dream re-entry
- Develop deep wisdom associated with dream tracking, following synchronicity, putting your dreams into action
- Learn how to differentiate different types of dreams and work them for your highest good.
- Develop meaningful connections gaining insight into how spirits of place, the natural world, your ancestors and other helping spirits are directing you through your dreams.
When will it begin?
The course starts on Sunday, February 2nd, 2020 with the first lesson released. The first Zoom call will be at 6pm, on Thursday, February 6th., 2020. The course ends Thursday, March 26th 2020 with the last community call.
what you will discover in the course
- The course consists of eight weekly lessons which are pre-recorded (See full descriptions below) and are released on Sunday’s at 5pm. Each includes and instructional video (approximately 30 minutes) with ritual exercises, questions for reflection, homework and reading resources ( Video clips, blog posts, movie recommendations, recommended readings). One released, you can engage in the lesson and time and as often as you wish.
- A live 60-minute live meet up accompanies each lesson (8 total) to provide connective space for Q&A and discussion of course material through ZOOM. These will be held on Thursdays, alternately at 6pm Eastern time. We will be working on actual dreams as a group in every call so you can engage intimately in the Dreamwork process. You don’t need to make the in-person sessions to enjoy the course, as it’s possible to submit questions that get spoken to during the live conferences.
- We’ll have dedicated space for any questions that arise as you delve into the work and if relevant and agreed to share with the group, they will be made anonymous, compiled and shared as a resource for garnering collective wisdom.
- Course participants can connect with other learners through a private Facebook group, and all registrants enjoy unlimited ongoing access to all course content after completion.
Course Content Will Include

Lesson 1
Foundations of Dream Work
- Dreaming from historical perspective
- Learn the Cornerstones of the Dreamwork Practice
- DIfferentiate between different types of dreams
- Gain insight into the 10 Core Principals of Dream Work
Techniques for strengthening your dream recall and deepen your practice
- Enjoy the rich diversity of availalbe resources and differing perspectives of dream time

Lesson 2
Partnering in Dreamtime with Spiritual Allies
- Partnering with a Spiritual allies in dream time
Ritually appeal to the larger web of relations for support in sacred dreamtime
Distinguish between helping spirits and trickster energies in the liminal field as a source of nightmares, heavy dreams
Navigate ritual safety/boundaries with support of a helping spirit
- Explore resources on navigating funky energies in your dwelling space and in sacred dreamtime

Lesson 3
Dreaming with the Moon
- Provide space to foster and deepen your relationship with your lunar moon at the time of your birth.
- Establish a connection with your natal moon sign, the astrological archetype of your subconscious insticntual nature.
- Cultivate a unique visual lexicon providing a framework for tending dreams in collaboration with the lunar calendar
- Travel through the mirad of resources availalbe regarding astrology, lunar ways of being and connetion to dreaming

Lesson 4
Dreaming with our ANcestors
- Discovering your ancestors of blood and spiritual affinity as sources of love, kindness and for cultivating wisdom.
- Distinguishing from Healed Ancestors and Unhealed ancestors in Dreamtime.
- Traversing our Dreaming of the Dead and traveling to the land of the dead.
- Explore the realm of the Psychopomp in dreamtime.
- Investigate resources on dreaming with our ancestors of place, blood and affinity.

Lesson 5
Dreaming with Plant People
- Navigating relational ways of being with our Plant Kin
- Cultivating a relationship and reciprocity with plant allies for dreaming
- Engage in a relationship with a plant kin to mentor your dreamtime
- Engage in resources to better enable connecting with plant ones for wisdom,healing and discernment in dreamtime

Lesson 6
Dreaming with Rock People
- Exploring relational ways of connection with our stone kin.
- Cultivating a relationship and reciprocity with plant allies for dreaming
- Engage in a relationship with a rock kin to mentor your dreamtime in specific situations
- Delve into the resources to better understand the vast universe of our stone kin and how they are able to assist us with in dream and waking life.

Lesson 7
Dreaming with The Elements
- Navigating relational ways of being with the Elemental ones
- Tracking relational ways of our Elemental kin in our dream time.
- Engage in a relationship with each of the Elemental Ones to develop allyship in your dreamtime
- Discover resources to better attune with the Elements for wisdom healing and discernment in dreamtime

Lesson 8
Dreaming with the Divine
Opening up to communing with the old gods, deities and other archetypal aspects of the divine
Consider ways that these ones influence big dreams
Work with the ancients to discover destiny sovereignty, and larger protections - Explore resources on distinguishing deities, and their domains.
Details of the Offering
This current offering is weaving together in an intimate circle of 20 participants. Through this container, we will gather as a cohort to learn from one another as well as have dedicated opportunities for self-exploration and mentorship through the zoom sessions.
Cost is $275 USD payable through Paypal
What you will Receive:
- 8 Instructional course videos (25-30 min per lesson)
- 8 Zoom calls: Once weekly on Thursday 6pm EST
- Private Facebook forum to engage in dialogue with course participants
- Q&A Forum
- Accompanying readings and course content
Red Earth Healing is LGBTQ friendly and celebrates diversity. Sliding scale offerings are available for marginalized persons, those of grassroots movements, and those who are actively organizing against oppressive systems. I am committed to keeping this work accessible and I offer a number of scholarship spaces. If interested in contributing to the Scholarship Fund to help those in need please send me an email at shannon@redearthhealing.org.
If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please send me an email about your interest, and need, and be sure to include the amount you would like me to consider.
Your Instructor
Shannon Willis, M.Ed is dedicated to helping others explore the inner landscapes in life, in re-establishing balance and personal sovereignty, strengthening relationships within the great web of relations seen and unseen. All offerings are in service to reclaiming the ancient ways of animistic, earth-honoring purpose, living with fully embodied joy for the well-being of the world.
For over 25 + years she has committed her work to addressing the deep wounding of the feminine through social justice advocacy related to intimate partner violence, diversity, and the oppression of marginalized populations. She has a Masters degree in Professional Leadership and Counseling with a focus in Jungian and Gestalt modalities and uses this training to support folks in honing their inner capabilities through connection with intuitive and spiritual resources as a means to shift through imbalances, embody deeper wisdom and earth-honoring purpose. Discover more here.
She is a teacher and practitioner with Ancestral Medicine; and a founder of Heart Path Studio, a non-profit organization in Athens, GA which aims to create a new folk culture of relating with the unseen world through the convergence of animistic and shamanic principles. She’s been guiding monthly dream circles in the Athens area for the past 7 years.
Her ancestors hail from the British Isles, France, and Cherokee and Kaskaskia/Ilini nations. Committed to collective healing, She holds grounded, empathic, heart-centered ritual space which supports presence, trust, and community rooted in the ancient ways of healing as service to the Earth.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this course for me?
This course is for all level of dream tenders, those who are avid at recall and working the dream and those who are just beginning to explore their dream time. I believe we live through experiences in our dream time first and then actualize them in waking life and we can dream for our community as well. The only pathway to this is with everyone!
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts on February 2nd, 2019, with the first lesson being released. The first Zoom Call will be on Thursday February 6th at 6pm. The course ends on Thursday March 26th, 2020 with the last Zoom community call.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.
Are refunds possible if I’m unhappy with the course?
A full refund is available for up to 30 days after the course begins. If helpful, please reach out as I would like to see if it’s possible to make the course work for you. Of course, you are welcome to the refund as well with no questions asked.
Are there pre-requisites to enroll in this course?
Prior experience with personal healing work and spiritual practice is recommended and includes skilled experience with navigating interpersonal terrain through journeying and having a deepening relationship with spiritual allies (such as helping spirits, elevated ancestors, deities and other unseen sources of support, If you’ve yet to have this requirement and would like support with this, please reach out and we can book a session together before the course begins.
What if I can’t make the live Zoom calls?
All Zoom calls will be recorded and made available within 48 hours within the course drop-down menu..