Healing sessions and mentorships are provided through the lens of being a co-conspirator with you in restoring vitality and inner connectedness. Trained in a variety of spiritual healing and ritual practices, my role is one of lighting the path, pointing you in the direction of a fully embodied life which will enable you to shift through your imbalances, embody your true nature, and become re-acquainted with your personal sovereignty.

Animist Pathways of Connection for Personal and Collective Emergence

Red Earth’s Collective Network Which Supports Community Connection and Intuitive Learning 

Grateful to welcome you to our intentional network which hosts connective discussions and offerings where through imbued safe space we will connect with each other and the liminal to strengthen our connection with the animate world around us.


Please join me on Substack

 Here you will find a space holding words of sweetened wisdom, potent and true which reflects the healing stories to spark imagination, sing the words of our healed ancestors, and bring us on adventures into mythos, and cultural lore.

(Art by Andrew Merenkov

Online Courses
Monthly Offerings
In Person Events

Coming in 2025: Stay tuned!