What is Ancestral Lineage Healing?

Ancestral lineage healing is the practice of relating directly with one’s blood ancestors for personal, family, and cultural healing. It involves safely establishing relationships with wise and well ancestors and enlisting their aid and participation to deeply heal your lineages reaching far back in time.

If you’ve participated in various kinds of personal healing work and you’re seeking greater breakthroughs, ancestral healing may be for you. This approach weaves helpful elements from psychology, cultural healing, and spiritual/ritual traditions. Patterns rooted in intergenerational cycles and cultural pain can finally find resolution. Coming into relationship with recent and more ancient ancestors can serve to re-establish obscured blessings, improve relationships with the living, and encourage clarity of purpose.

Over the course of three days, we will explore the Ancestral Lineage Healing process developed by Dr. Daniel Foor where you will come into direct relation with your wise ancestors on your blood lineages, and begin the lineage repair process. 

What to expect

About the Location

About The Location

We gather on the Dartington Estate outside Totnes, Devon, UK, within 1200 acres including a beautiful stretch of the River Dart, gardens, parkland and woodland.


There are two cafes (The Green Table and Montreal Style Bagels) and a restaurant/ pub (The White Hart – best to book) a 5-minute walk from our venue, or you can bring your own picnic lunch.

The nearest shops are Dartington Village Stores and the Texaco Garage and Good Food Shop (which have good organic snacks), a mile from the venue, and in the town of Totnes, 2 miles away.

It is possible to stay on the Estate close to our venue.


A week before the event you will be sent an email with the location address and ways to prepare for the Intensive. 

At the time of the intensive we will gather for dedicated time in group ritual for about six hours per day over three full days (10 am -4:30 pm).

We’ll take spacious 90 minute lunch breaks and we’re close to cafe options. There will be chairs and we encourage you to bring whatever you’ll need to be comfortable-yoga mats, cushions, sheepskin, etc.



As spaces are limited to 25 participants, we kindly ask that you enroll by clicking on which option best meets your current financial experiences.

Generating: For those folks with comfortable financial means to contribute more, we are deeply appreciative of your generosity which assists in making this accessible for those who may otherwise not be able to attend.

Sustaining: This is the actual cost for us to offer this program and sustains what we do. We are grateful if you are able to enroll at this rate.

Supported: We invite folks with leaner financial means to enjoy programs at a reduced cost and are delighted you are here.

 If you need a reduction beyond what is provided or a payment plan, please reach out directly to shannon@redearthhealing.org

Currently Filled

Email Info@redearthhealing.org with interest to get on waitlist


$ 495 c.£391
  • List Item #3


$ 395 c.£312
  • List Item #3


$ 275 c.£217

Payment will be made in US dollars. Amounts in GB pounds are given as an approximate indcation. The exact amount in pounds will of course depend on the exchange rate and bank charges at the time of booking.

About the Instructor

Shannon Willis, M.Ed 
Shannon is a dedicated animist and ritualist, helping others achieve clarity, connection and rootedness through the exploration of liminal landscapes of the seen and unseen. Through heart-centered ritual aimed at re-establishing balance and personal sovereignty, her work is found at the intersection of dream midwifery, oracular mediumship, ritual and ancestral reverence.
 She is the founder of Red Earth Healing, a student of Yoruba culture as an initiate of Ọbàtálá, and Ọ̀ṣun, in the lineage of Olúwo Fálolú Adésànyà Awoyadé from Òdè Rẹ́mọ, a devotee of Nepali shamanism under the tutelage of Bhola Nath Banstola amoung other diverse indigenous paths of her ancestors. She is a certified practitioner, instructor, and the Ritual Director of Programs at Ancestral Medicine.
 She lives on the historic lands of the Creek/Muskogee Peoples in Athens, Ga. Her recent and older people of blood and bone hail from the England, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium, France, West Africa and Cherokee and Kaskaskia/Illini nations.

Frequently Asked Questions

We gather each day, Friday through Sunday, from 10 am-1 pm: then 2:30 pm-4:30 pm with shorter mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks and a spacious 90 minute lunch break. Our shared time each day consists of four teaching and practice sessions of roughly 90 minutes each, two before lunch and two after.

These sessions are a blend of teaching, direct visioning and trance work (often with drumming), sharing in small break-out groups anchored by trained supporters, main group dialogue, and other elements of ancestor-focused ritual, such as offering practice, song, and prayer. There are no prerequisites, however, prior experience with ritual and personal healing are helpful.

The lineage healing intensive closely follows the first nine chapters of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing as participants connect and partner with ancestral guides to support any among the dead still in need of assistance. Our signature online course Ancestral Lineage Healing also follows the steps of the lineage healing process, and these are the fundamental steps that practitioners are trained to guide in individual session work.

The process itself originated from years of in-person events, and there is an alchemy to multi-day group ritual that is unlike any of the other approaches to the work.

It’s important to note that the lineage healing intensive is fundamentally different from the Ancestral Healing Practitioner Training. Participants at intensives learn life-long skills for personally accessing ancestral support. However, this three-day intensive is not a substitute for the nearly year-long professional training that practitioners undertake in how to guide this work for others.

We will be working in Studio 6, Lower Close Studios, Dartington Hall, Totnes TQ9 6EN (formerly ‘Space Studios’).

There are bike racks outside Lower Close Studios. 

The best place to park if you come by car is in the main car park opposite the entrance to the Great Hall. If you then walk down the hill, Lower Close Studios are along a drive to the right once you get beyond the drive that sweeps back up towards the Great Hall. Allow a few minutes to walk down. 

Borehole drinking water is available in a kitchen area upstairs from the Studio.

In consideration for fellow participants, attendees are encouraged to test for Covid-19. Masking is welcome but not required. For immunocompromised persons or those with sensitive medical disability, we are not able to offer full Covid safety protocol.

Our core values and ethics affirm full inclusivity for people of diverse genders, ancestries, religious orientations, and other factors that can lead to exclusion and harm. Reduced cost options aim to support financial access.

Participants who travel to Totnes for this offering will need to arrange for their own accommodations, as this is a non-residential event. We are unable to assist with booking lodging for attendees.


Unless other arrangements are made, 25% of the overall cost is a non-refundable deposit.

If you need to cancel, please let us know as soon as you can. If something changes and you can’t join us, the closer cancellations are to the date of the event, the more difficult it is for us to fill the seats. The remaining registration payment may be refunded as follows:

A 75% refund is available for cancellations made anytime before March 24th (60 days before we gather). A 50% refund is available for cancellations made between 30 and 60 days before the intensive begins. There are no refunds available for cancellations made after April 25th (less than 30 days before the intensive begins). We reserve the option to extend some flexibility on this policy especially in cases where an open space has been quickly filled. However, in-person intensives require significant organizational resources and these policies help to ensure these offerings remain sustainable.

We’d be happy to help with any additional questions! Reach out to shannon@redearthehealing.org with your question and someone from our team will be in touch, usually within three business days.