Welcome to The Foundations of Psychopomp Guest Lecture Series

This month we honored to welcome Maris Bergrune

In psychopomp facilitation a common cause of blocks to successful transitions is the presence of binding influences. Binding influences are energetic connections that influence the scope and nature of experience. A binding influence can have a positive or negative impact depending on the context and nature of the created conditions. A “curse” is a binding influence that is having a negative impact, whether that was the original intention or not.

In this talk, our facilitator will provide an introduction to curses and their impact on psychopomp facilitation, followed by an experiential process to connect with spirit resources to address this component of the work.

February 28, 2025

3pm-5pm EST

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How to Register


For those facing Economic Hardship
$ 15


For those who are self Sufficent
$ 40

About The Facilitator

Maris Bergrune is a ritual animist, spirit worker, and singer/musician. She specializes in Norse and oracular mediumship, ancestral and soul healing, energy bind unraveling, and compassionate depossession work. Maris is a Certified Ancestral Lineage Healing Practitioner and a teacher of the Compassionate Depossession method developed by Betsy Bergstrom.

To learn more about Maris click here