Explore the liminal relationships of dreaming and astrology through Inner source work, Somatic awareness, and Spiritual Acuity.

It is the season of darkness, the time when the earth falls dormant once more, sleeping until the spring returns. We, sleeping with her, enter into her cave of deep reflection, dreaming of what may come of us when we too emerge in the spring.

During this season of Winters Dreaming we’ll be exploring Dreaming with the Moon.

Astrological dream journeying is transformative work. An intimate way to experience your natal moon at the time of your birth to fully manifest the guidance on offer to you in the sleeping world.

During this offering you’ll be guided through an entire lunar cycle of dreaming.  Over the 13 weeks of the course we will journey, first, to establish a connection with our natal moon, the astrological archetypal guiding force which reflects our instinctual, sub-conscious nature. Then we’ll explore the house the moon was in at that time. Think of Houses as the landscape or stage of our dream time, informing us of life as it truly is, potent, edgy, exiting, arduous and everything in between.

Then, each successive week, our lunar selves will connect with the 12 zodiacal powers and their significance to your dreaming life as well as the 12 houses that are the landscapes through sequential drop-ins (journeys).

This course is for anyone who is seeking and wanting to participate in a community of Dream Weavers, Astrologers, Animist, Alchemists and Midwives of the soul through deeply embodied dreamwork. For those who seek to know, both intimately and through witnessing, the benefits of understanding the soul’s journey in non-ordinary reality as we sleep and wishing to embody those experiences in waking life.

The course entails several techniques to assist you with dream divination, and supportive ally connection as it relates to how your dreams are influenced by lunar machinations.  You will develop skills for exploring dream re-entry through drop in, meditative, trance states where you will gain insight into how your natal moon, the powers of the astrological signs, the archetypal landscapes of the astrological houses and other helping spirits are building a bridge of relations with you, for connection, support and healing through these challenging times. 

We’ll gather weekly for 13 weeks with our live gatherings through zoom being a alchemy of relational teaching, guided practices, and break out sessions for dream sharing during each session.  Lots of ways to stay connected through the ask Shannon a question feature, email, responsive Q & A during the live calls, and a optional closed Facebook group for folks in the course.  The investment offers flexible options to accommodate for the impact of our recent world crisis, $395, $295 and $195 for 20 hours of connection to allow for folks wanting to participate in consideration of financial means. Feel free to reach out directly if there is a need for a payment plan to shannonmewillis@gmail.com

Catrin Welz Stein

We need not feel ashamed of flirting with the zodiac. The zodiac is well worth flirting with.” ~ D. H Lawrence

What We'll Do

The sweet liminal place between waking and dreaming is a land rich with your personal metaphors waiting to be witnessed, alchemised and birthed into being. In this way we become the dream midwife, the alchemist of our dreams together with your people, the lamented, the well, the ancients.  In our time together you will enjoy the safe container co-created by our focused intention to:

  • Create ritual space in which you may explore the many realms of your waking and sleeping states with your helping spirits.
  • Orient your dreamtime to an experiential space as opposed to an interpretive space.
  • Establish a connection with your natal moon, the astrological archetypal guiding force which reflects our instinctual, sub-conscious nature.
  • Explore the Astrological House the moon was in at that time. Think of Houses as the landscape or stage of our dream time, informing us of life as it truly is, potent, edgy, exiting, arduous and everything in between.
  • Cultivate a unique visual framework for tending dreams in collaboration with the lunar calendar.
  • Deepens your self-awareness as you learn to use astrology to enhance your dreaming and waking lives. 
  • Connect with the 12 zodiacal powers and their significance to your dreaming life as well as the 12 houses that are the landscapes through sequential drop-ins (journeys).
  • Explore reasons why certain events and people are appearing in your dreams and how to provide ritual assistance.
  • Expand our dreaming network with our spiritual allies to harmonize our sacred intention with other participants for collective dreaming.
  • Develop deep wisdom associated with dream tracking, following synchronicity, putting our dreams into action.

What’s included

  • Live weekly sessions via Zoom ~  13 session beginning January 20th through April 14th,  90 minutes each, beginning at 4pm EST with Shannon to co-weave our dreaming community.
  • Foundational Approaches to Dreamwork~ Each week will feature dedicated teachings and experiential ritual embodiment during each call which merge dreamwork with connection of supportive guides.
  • Dreams in Action ~ We will be working on actual dreams as a group in almost every call via break out sessions so you can engage intimately in the dreamwork process. 
  • Q&A Forums ~ Connective space for Q&A and discussion of course material in person via our zoom calls, through Ask a Question feature on the course page or through email,
  • Recordings for revisiting.  The teaching and ritual part of  each call will be recorded for engaging with course material if your unable to make the call. Audio excerpts of just the guided practices will also be included.
  • Online Community ~ Course participants can connect with a diverse and international community through an optional private Facebook group.
  • Lifetime Access ~ All registrants enjoy unlimited ongoing access to all course content after completion.April 

You will find this course will meet you at the crossroads of dream re-entry and approaches to dream work and astrology, as well other supportive healing modalities in connection with supportive guides. Knowledge and experience with these approaches is helpful as is experience with earth honoring ritual and how to hold safe space for yourself, but not required.  We’ll touch on these basic skills as an overview but the intent of the course is to explore the liminal field as they converge.

You’ll be a good fit if you identify as:

➣ Having a natural curiosity to explore the liminal landscapes of your dreams, and have used approaches which align with the animistic values of considering that dreams are informed by the greater web of our relations, including more than just our experiences, but also our ancestors, and other than humans that seek to be in reciprocity and communication with us.

➣ Ideally coming with some knowledge and experience with earth-honoring ritual, dream tending, and astrology. In particular knowing your lunar moon at the time of your birth. That being said, the space is truly open for everyone, and it’s helpful to reach out before hand for a private consultation to get the basics as it could be useful, if you’re able. You can contact me directly at shannon@redearthhealing.org.


Live calls will be every Thursday at 4 pm EST with the first community call on Thursday, January 20th, 2021 and our last gathering via Zoom on Thursday, April 14th at 4pm EST. 

We’ll be using the Zoom platform, which is free and can be accessed online, through the Zoom app, or via telephone call-in.

Your Investment

We’re happy to offer 3 pricing options in consideration of those who are in financial need. 

We kindly ask that you enroll by clicking on which option best meets your current financial experiences.

Frequently Asked

This course is for all level of dream tenders, those who are avid at recall and working the dream and those who are just beginning to explore their dream time. I believe we live through experiences in our dream time first and then actualize them in waking life and we can dream for our community as well. The only pathway to this is with everyone!

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

A full refund is available for up to 30 days after the course begins. If helpful, please reach out as I would like to see if it’s possible to make the course work for you. Of course, you are welcome to the refund as well with no questions asked.

Prior experience with personal healing work and spiritual practice is recommended and includes skilled experience with navigating interpersonal terrain through journeying and having a deepening relationship with spiritual allies (such as helping spirits, elevated ancestors, deities and other unseen sources of support, If you’ve yet to have this requirement and would like support with this, please reach out and we can book a session together before the course begins.


All Zoom calls will be recorded and made available within 48 hours within the course drop-down menu.

Facilitated By

Shannon Willis, M.Ed is dedicated animist, oracular medium and ritualist, helping others achieve clarity, connection and rootedness through the exploration of liminal landscapes of the seen and unseen. Through heart-centered ritual aimed at re-establishing balance and personal sovereignty, and through deeping the pathways of connection within the wider web of relations, her work is found at the intersection of dream midwifery, psychomping, and ancestral reverence. 

For over 30 years she has committed her life to partnership with others in transforming trauma and cultural wounding for both the living and the dead. She has a Masters degree in Professional Leadership and Counseling with a focus in Jungian and Gestalt modalities, is the founder of Red Earth Healing, a student of Yoruba culture as an initiate of Ọbàtálá, and Ọ̀ṣun, in the lineage of Olúwo Fálolú Adésànyà Awoyadé from Òdè Rẹ́mọ. making pilgrimages to work with elders in West Africa. She is also a devotee of Nepali shamanism, and other diverse indigenous paths of her ancestors. She is a certified practitioner and teacher of Dr. Daniel Foor’s Ancestral Lineage Healing method.

Her recent and older people of blood and bone hail from the British Isles, France, West Africa and Cherokee and Kaskaskia/Illini nations. Committed to collective healing, she holds grounded, empathic, non dogmatic, heart-centered ritual space which supports presence, trust, and community rooted in the ancient ways of being of service to the Earth.

Thanks for your consideration, all good things your way, ~ Shannon