Welcome to the Application for the 6th Cohort of Foundations of Psychopomp.
The Course begins October 3rd, 2024. In order to be considered, please read all fields and complete each query. This application is to determine if we are a good fit for working in the Mentor/Mentee Relationship, as well as if the necessary skills are present in order to be well met by the training. For the 2024 cycle, we will be accepting 20 applicants. If you are accepted, we will send you further registration details and costs.
As a part of consideration for the cohort, we are requesting all applicants review and agree by our Community Agreements. Please review thoroughly and check in with your helping spirits if they extend the blessings to engage this training.
As a recommendation, I encourage you to thoughtfully reply to each question in a word document so that you can fully sit with your response, and when you are satisfied paste the response into the corresponding field.
All questions regarding the course will be answered upon completion of the application.
With care,
Thank you for cooperating with these agreements. They are designed to maximize the extent to which participants can grow and bring themselves forward in community. The principles and agreements for community interactions are as follows:
1. I agree to treat other participants with civility and kindness.
2. I agree to stay self-reflective and not other-focused.
3. I will not offer unsolicited feedback or advice.
4. I understand that I am responsible for my personal needs and will get additional support outside of class when needed.
5. I will maintain confidentiality and do not speak about other people’s experiences outside of class.
6. I agree to be on-time and not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
7. I will respect and welcome diversity. All classes are LGBTQ+ positive and for people of diverse backgrounds.
8. I understand that If Shannon finds that anyone is having trouble keeping these agreements she will request a meeting outside of class to discuss what is happening. I understand that she reserves the right to revoke participation at any point if she determines that:
a) A participant’s personal needs are not a good match for this format, or
b) A participant is habitually disruptive to the community process. I understand that if she revokes participation the refund amount will be determined based upon when a participant has exited the training.
9. I understand that due to the limited seating available in this training, if I am accepting a seat, that I will prioritize being present for all live calls and dyad peer exchanges. I also understand that if I decide to exit the program at any point, (with some exceptions, I.E Illness, death of a loved one) that I will be responsible for the full cost of the training, (It is possible to request to be transferred to the next cohort in change of life circumstances).