Gathering at the Well for the Hearth Season


Ancestors: Reverence and Ritual 

Gathering at the Well for the Hearth Season

The course begins October 18th, 2021
Happy to be co-weaving this potent liminal offering with you during these tender times.  Our time together will be spent wisely in a connective and diligent way as we move through the ritual skills building in relation to dreamwork, psychopomp and ancestral healing.
This course provides a safe, grounded framework delivered in a non-dogmatic and experiential context, rooted in informative guided drop-in/meditations and rituals that are inclusive to people of diverse beliefs and ancestries.
Our weekly meetings will be roughly one-third responsive teaching, one-third dropped in dream weaving ritual with support for tending with your ancestors, and one third breakout group sharing.

You can find all course information in the links above. When a weekly call is complete, recordings will be posted on the calls and recordings page within a couple of days. 

Elements of the Course
I encourage you throughout the course to clarify any questions that arise through the Frequently Asked Questions page and to consider engaging with others through the ten live video conferences which will be recorded.  If it is of interest to you, a private Facebook group (invitation to that forthcoming via email before the course begins). is also available.  Navigation to locate these important course elements, once the course begins are below:
  • Course Calendar. You can stay on top of lesson release dates and live conferences in the course calendar, which you can add to your own Google Calendar.
  • Ask Shannon & FAQ Pages. We’ll have dedicated space for any questions that arise as you delve into the work and if relevant and agreed to share with the group, they will be made anonymous, compiled and shared as a resource for garnering collective wisdom. Feel welcome to  Ask Shannon using the link on the left sidebar, Shannon will follow up either personally in email, through the FAQ page or in the live video conferences.
  • Live Video Conferences. I will host a 90-minute-long group support/Q&A session every week on Tuesdays at 5pm using the free Zoom platform The schedule and the link to join as well as links for the post-conference recordings (posted within a few days of the event) can be found in the left sidebar under Live Calls.
  • Private Facebook Group. This is a truly optional additional space for those who use Facebook.
  • Troubleshooting. If you encounter any glitches with the course or need help getting into Zoom, try our troubleshooting page.


When you have completed each lesson’s material, you can select Mark Complete at the bottom of the main lesson page to move on to the next lesson when it is released and track your progress. Once released, you may engage with any of the lessons at any time. A course content overview with release dates is included at the bottom of the page, and a progress bar can be found at the top of the sidebar.

You will have continual access to the course without limit, although the Ask Shannon function will be closed shortly after the course ends. The Facebook group will remain open with new members being added each time the course is offered.
Welcoming you all for dedicating your time here and hoping you have a fruitful experience. Please reach out to me at Shannon@redearthhealing.org with any questions or concerns about the course that arise.
