Calendar of Courses & Events

Welcoming you to explore Red Earth Healing's offerings, including courses, online rituals, and in person events.

Weaving Renewal Amid Unraveling Times

The Spring Equinox is a hinge, a moment where dark and light hold each other in equal measure before tilting forward into new growth. In a time when so much feels unspooled—politically, ecologically, within and without—we turn to the oldest technologies of repair: breath, hands, intention, and the weaving of small, sacred gestures. Register Here.

March 20th
4pm-5pm EST
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Online Event

New Moon Ritual Salon

New moons are potent thresholds through which we mark what has transpired and forge into the vastness of new beginnings. 

If you would like to connect to the potent forces that align with your natal moon and the current position of these monthly lunations, consider joining my substack. This salon is a benefit of being a paid subscriber.  Learn More Here

March 28th
3pm - 4pm EST
lineage healing
Online Event

Ancestor Circle

This monthly ritual aims to support you as you continue to work safely and directly with your blood lineage ancestors, both the helpful guides and the troubled dead who are in need of assistance.

Pre-requisites for attending are to have participated in the Ancestral Lineage Healing Approach either through coursework, in-person intensives, or through private sessions.  Learn More Here

March 30th
3pm - 5pm EST