How many times did you meet and roughly in what time range (no need for exact dates)? Anything stand out about that?
A few sentences here (modify identifying details) on approximate age, ancestry, gender, presenting concerns.
Please describe your diagnostic process. What did you observe about your client, and their presenting concerns. Which of your helping spirits were there to support and inform you during the dianostic and what did they prescribe as needed to support your client (psychopomp, soul retrieval, power retrieval, Curse unraveling, extraction, etc)?
Please describe the progression of your ritual process. Which of your helping spirits were there to support and inform you during the ritual , what were their roles and what happened? What rituals were performed (soul retrieval, psychopomp, curse unraveling, extraction, etc.)?
Describe what you relayed to your client about what you observed and the work that was completed on their behalf. What were the ritual follow-up (self-care/integration) assignements you provided to your client.
Describe what your client observed about the impact of the work.
One or two paragraphs here on anything that stands out from your work with this client not already spoken to above. Anything else that you learned from working with them?
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