Please check if you have made the connection with the helping spirits in this module and the other requirements.
Please note anything of importance regarding your practice with your Helping Spirits and Ritual Emobdiment. What are you noticing, what are your growth edges noted by yourself or in the feedback from your dyad partner.
Please check if you have made the connection with the helping spirits in this module and the other requirements.
Please note anything of importance regarding your practice with Ritual Skills as listed above. What are you noticing, what are your growth edges noted by yourself or in the feedback from your dyad partner.
Please Check if you have participated and completed the requirments.
Please note and reflect anything of importance regarding your practice with your experience with Death Lodge and working with the land. List your code of Ethics, Note your personal preference of limitations and referral sources. Say a few things regarding your spiritual hygiene practice and note who you go to when you are in need of personal support. What are you noticing about the CE teachings and incorporating them into your work. Anything else helpful to know.
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